Chamfer and Fillet

Yesterday I was browsing YouTube, and came across a video about how to use some basic AutoCAD® commands, two of which were the CHAMFER and FILLET commands. Its amazing to think you could be using a basic command every day, yet still not know all of its features. But, I was impressed to see additional functionality I did not know about, and thought it was worth a post on how to get the most out of these commands.
Basic usage of CHAMFER and FILLET is as you'd expect - you invoke the command, select two lines, and a chamfer or fillet is drawn in the corner between them. Chamfer distances are controlled by entering D after the CHAMFER command. Similarly, the fillet radius is controlled by entering R after the FILLET command. If the lines do not currently meet, they will be extended to make the corner. If they are longer than required, they are trimmed back as needed. This trimming functionality can be turned off however, by entering T after either the CHAMFER or FILLET commands.
Another really useful option is to enter P after either the CHAMFER or FILLET commands. This allows you to apply a chamfer or fillet to the entire length of the polyline. Really handy for drawing roads or geometry with a standard bend radius - just draw the straight lines and use FILLET to apply standard bends to the entire length of the polyline.
Finally, I'll point you to another article - if you haven't already read it, give it a go. It's a really handy way to use the CHAMFER and FILLET commands. Read about The AMAZING Fillet Zero here!
That's all for now,
Altaf Hussain
2012-09-04 08:34:45
very nice describe in CHAMFER and FILLET its very good